Customers' Testimonials:

" Thank you for all you have done with our technical staff to help our engineering team put it all our systems together to a production level, your support is superb and you always there to give a hand when we need it. Bunch of thanks!   "

Haim Cahal, CTO, Magnolia Silver Jewelry

ClubVPS started in 1999 as a small web hosting company named "OMC Web Hosting". As the business of hosting transformed and Cloud Infrastructure services became our main platform of hosting services, we changed the name of OMC and in 2009 we introduced "ClubVPS Cloud Computing" as the Compute Infrastructure as a Service platform.

ClubVPS grew rapidly into hosting tens of thousands of websites, thousands of servers, and many large companies computing infrastructure needs. The company CEO Yohay Azulay started with a strong belief that server hosting was about to transform the business universe into a faster, more reliable, more secured and efficient environment, which in turn became a valuable and popular commodity. He also believed that this power should be available to all businesses - large or small, and leveling the playing field by giving small and medium sized businesses the tools they needed to compete against anyone. 

That is when the growth took a leap, and in 2002 ClubVPS became one of the first Hosting services companies worldwide to provide Cloud Computing and Virtual Servers Hosting services, and yet never lost our unique personal touch. ClubVPS always made sure to employ only the best and the most experienced staff members in the business of Cloud Hosting and Managed Hosting services. 

In recent years the internet had become much more than anyone can ever imagine, with its fast access, millions of web sites, web applications, e commerce, gaming, and many other business ventures that found it to be an opportunity and called it home, the need for large space, faster applications, Network reliability, and smarter solutions grew rapidly, just as ClubVPS have, and we adopted the consumer needs as our Mottos Apparatus throughout the years.

As we do with our staff, we also carry state of the art and most advanced equipment, and as you can learn more in our Network and Data Centers pages, we are exclusively Dell Hardware house, and always stay up to date with any new technology or equipment.